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The German Society of Davanloo’s IS-TDP has been founded, to set up a training and research program on IS-TDP in Germany. Our training program is open only to participants with residence in Germany. Please contact our more detailed information in German.
IS-TDP is the international abbreviation for Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, which was developed by Prof. Habib DAVANLOO, M.D., McGill University of Montreal, Canada, based on empirical research. The intuitive clinical and theoretical oberservations of all form of psychoanalysis – Freudian, Jungian, or Neo-Freudian – all have serious major inherent errors in the model of the unconscious mental processes and there approaches to treatment.
Dr. Davanloo’s discoveries and his technique of rapid and direct access to the pathogenic organisation of the unconscious and bringing fluidity in the character structure has totally revised the whole psychology of the unconscious mind based on empirical evidence, not theory or intuition. Dr. Davanloo’s discovery and scientific research have led to a comprehensive technique, Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy.
The aim is the rapid and precise removal of major resistance and the pathogenic organization of the unconscious with rapid removal of the patient’s symptom disturbances and bringing about major character changes.
The work concentrates on the interrelation between resistance and the „unconscious therapeutic alliance“, to mobilize the patient against his defences. The result is a deep experience of unconscious feelings (rage, murderous rage, guilt and grief). The passage is physically experienced, rather than a process, which remains in thoughts and fantasies or in acting them out. By this IS-TDP succeeds in reaching deep layers of the unconscious with the result of permanent changes, by removing symptom disorders and bringing multiple changes into the psychic structure and the character pathology.
The technical interventions specific to IS-TDP to mobilize Unconscious Therapeutic Alliance and to handle resistance are direct and highly powerful. Relying heavily on complex transference feelings to unlock the unconscious, the development of a transference neurosis is absolutely avoided.
Davanloo discovered a New Metapsychology of the Unconscious, leading to a deep understanding of the structures and functions of the dynamic unconscious forces: Resistance, nature of the resistance, transference, the concept of the „Unconscious Therapeutic Alliance“, the murderous organization of the unconscious, somatic pathway of unconscious primitive murderous rage, discharge pattern of unconscious anxiety.
The new metapsychology is exclusively based on research, using video documented material. In many publications and in several training programs it could be shown that not the charisma of the therapist, but the specific application of the technique leads to comparable results. The method is closely linked with the video technology, leading to a constant investigation of the therapeutic process from fist interview to outcome evaluation. The principles of Davanloo’s research are transferred to the training programs. Videotechnology, initial interview, outcome evaluation are therefore an integral part of this powerful psychotherapeutic method.
in German:
H. Davanloo: „Der Schlüssel zum Unbewußten – Die intensive psychodynamische Kurzzeittherapie“, aus der Reihe „Leben lernen“, Klett-Cotta (früher: J. Pfeiffer), München 1995
G. Gottwik: Intensive Psychodynamische Kurzzeittherapie nach Davanloo; in: H. Henning et al. (Hrsg.), Kurzzeit-Psychotherapie in Theorie und Praxis, Lengerich 1996
G. Gottwik: Intensive Psychodynamische Kurzzeittherapie nach Davanloo
in S. Sulz (Hrsg.), Kurzzeitpsychotherapien-Wege in die Zukunft, München 1998
J. Kässer, Durch spezifische psychotherapeutische Interventionen zum tiefen Erleben von Affekten. Technik der „Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy“ nach Davanloo und empirische Ergebnisse; in: S. Sulz, L. Gerhard (Hrsg.), Von der Kognition zur Emotion – Psychotherapie mit Gefühlen, München (CIP-Medien) 2000 (zu beziehen über CIP-Medien Verlag)
U. Sporer, Video-Analyse körperlicher Signale von Gefühlen und Gefühlsvermeidungen bei der Intensiven Psychodynamischen Kurzzeittherapie nach Davanloo, in: S, Sulz (Hrsg): Die Psychotherapie entdeckt den Körper, München 2004
in English:
H. Davanloo: „Basic principles and technique in Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy“, Spectrum, NY, 1978
H. Davanloo: „Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy“, J.Aronson, NY, 1980
H. Davanloo: „Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy“, in: Kaplan H., and Sadock B. (eds), „Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry“, 4th edn., Chapter 29.11, Baltimore, MD, Williams & Wilkins, 1984
H.Davanloo: „Unlocking the Unconscious“ Selected papers of Habib Davanloo, MD, Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 1990
H.Davanloo: „Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy“ Selected papers of Habib Davanloo, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 2001
G. Gottwik, I. Orbes, F. Tressel, G. Wagner, „Application of Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Patients with Agorophobia, Fainting Attacks, Anxiety, Panic, Somatization and Functional Disorders. Part I: Technical and Metaspychological Roots of the Technique; Initial Phase of the Trial Therapy“; in: International Journal of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Volume 12, Number 2, June, 77-103, (1998)
G. Gottwik, I. Orbes, F. Tressel, G. Wagner: „Application of Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Patients with Agorophobia, Fainting Attacks, Anxiety, Panic, Somatization and Functional Disorders. Part II: The First Breakthrough“; in: International Journal of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Volume 12, Number 2, June, 105 – 123 (1998)
G. Gottwik, I. Orbes, F. Tressel, G. Wagner; „Application of Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Patients with Agorophobia, Fainting Attacks, Anxiety, Panic, Somatization and Functional Disorders. Part III: Partial Unlocking of the Unconscious“; in: International Journal of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Volume 12, Number 2, June, 125 – 149 (1998)
H.Davanloo: „Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy“, in: Kaplan H., and Sadock B. (eds), „Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry“, 8th ed,Vol 2, Chapter 30.9, 2628-2652, Lippincot Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2005
the following five articles have been published in the
(European Journal of Psychotherapy, Issue 2001):
H. Davanloo, „Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Extended Major Direct Access to the Unconscious
G. Gottwik, I. Ostertag, M. Weiss: „Technical and Metapsychological Roots of Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Central Dynamic Sequence: Phase of Pressure“
G. Gottwik, U. Sporer, F. Tressel-Savelli: „Technical and Metapsychological Roots of Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Central Dynamic Sequence: Phase of Challenge“
G. Gottwik, I. Kettner-Werkmeister, G. Wagner: „Technical and Metapsychological Roots of Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Central Dynamic Sequence: The Entry of the Transference“
G. Gottwik, I. Orbes: „Technical and Metapsychological Roots of Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Central Dynamic Sequence: Head-on-Collision with the Resistance“
(up to 2000) quarterly published:
International Journal of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy
former: International Journal of Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy
In this site the German Society for Davanloo’s ISTDP uses or will use metapsychological concepts (among which, but not limited to: Discharge Pattern of Uncnscious Therapeutic Anxiety, Tactical Defenses and Tactical Organization of Resistance, Resistance Against Emotional Closeness, Major Resistance, Complex Transference Feelings, Primitive Murderous Rage and Guilt, Unconscious Therapeutic Alliance, Perpetrator of Unconscious), and descriptions of Technical Interventions (among which, but not limited to: Central Dynamic Sequence, Pressure, Cristallization of Resistance in the Transference, Challenge, Head-on Collison, Partial, Major and Extended Unlocking of the Unconscious) that derive from the work and research of Dr. Habib Davanloo, Montreal, Canada, who owns the intellectual property.
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