An dieser Stelle möchten wir auch auf Catherine Hickeys neues Buch hinweisen, das im Karnac-Verlag auf Englisch erschienen ist. Catherine Hickey ist langjährige Teilnehmerin der Closed Circuit Training Workshops in Montréal und damit in engem Kontakt mit der aktuellen Weiterentwicklung von Davanloos Forschungsarbeit über das Unbewusst.
Nähere Angaben finden Sie auf der Internetseite des Verlages Karnac.
Hier einige Buchbesprechungen (Quelle):
‘Dr Hickey’s book is not only an excellent and highly educational introduction to ISTDP, but also the only reference work so far for Habib Davanloo’s latest research, including the technique of multidimensional unconscious structural changes, the concepts of fusion, healthy and impaired defensive organisation, intergenerational transmission of neurosis and his totally new approach to transference neurosis. With great dedication, Dr Hickey describes the meticulous work of the reconstruction of a damaged human being and shares with us the deeply moving journey from neurotic destructiveness, guilt and slavery to freedom, love and forgiveness.’
– Camille Stemper, MD, psychiatrist, and co-coordinator of Davanloo’s Annual Montreal Metapsychology Symposia, 2007–2015
‘In clear prose illustrated with powerful clinical transcripts, Dr Hickey shares Dr Davaloo’s most recent contributions to the understanding of human psychology. Written with a skilled integration of precision in language required of a scientific text, and a compelling sense of narrative in the clinical material, this book is sure to find its way into the psychiatric literature as both an engaging read and as a reference to be kept.’
– James Q. Schubmehl, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Rochester School of Medicine, New York
‘In Dr Hickey’s text, readers who are familiar with the work of Dr Davanloo will recognise a familiar theoretical landscape while being invited into a brave new appreciation of the unconscious. The truly ingenious dimension of Dr Hickey’s work is that she accomplishes all of this while clinically and graciously moving through the transformative journey of one particular patient.’
– The Rev. Canon Dr Jody Clarke, Associate Professor, Practical Theology, Atlantic School of Theology, Halifax, Nova Scotia
‘This work shares knowledge of the metapsychology of the unconscious and Davanloo’s ISTDP that is leading edge and heretofore unavailable. Dr Hickey’s coverage of transference neurosis is unprecedented. But she is also sharing a knowledge garnered from a forum unlike any other, where examination of the unconscious human domain is undertaken in a uniquely scientific manner under audiovisual scrutiny from within and from without.’
– K. Mitchell Naficy, MD, FAAFP, family physician, private practice, San Juan Capistrano, California
‘Dr Hickey’s book sheds a strong and solid light on Davanloo’s ISTDP. The dense text allows readers to delve into this revolutionary technique from its foundations to its clinical application, through the detailed exposé of an entire therapy. The metapsychology of the unconscious frames every step of it, showing the scientific roots of technical intervention. The book also illuminates recent developments stemming from ISTDP, both in term of clinical application and training.’
– Dr Sandro Rosseti, MD, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, European Federation for Davanloo’s Techniques, President of the Italian Institute for Teaching and Research in Davanloo’s ISTDP, and Director of Training at Det Dansk Davanloo Institut, Denmark